1 | 但想想首相应对批评时往往用语言扭曲事实,他这么做的可能性就微乎其微了。 | Considering the verbal contortions the prime minister generally employs to fend off criticism, that seems unlikely. | |
2 | 对于这场他们未能阻止的危机,各国领导人必须避免其最糟糕的后果。 | The world’s leaders must fend off the worst consequences of a crisis they failed to prevent. | |
3 | 反观默克尔夫人,她的反应则是尽力维持支持率但她认为抵挡压力的政策没有经济上的意义。 | Her response will be to try to preserve her popularity but fend off pressure for policies she sees as economically senseless. | |
4 | 房地美和房利美都有积极的进行政治游说以对抗政府限制其业务的历史。 | Freddie Mac and Fannie Mae both had long histories of aggressive lobbying to fend off government restrictions on their business. | |
5 | 公司已无法与竞争对手相抗衡,或者已不能满足消费者的需求或生活方式变化,而造成产品的滞销。 | A company will no longer be able to fend off the competition, or a change in consumer tastes or lifestyle will render the product redundant. | |
6 | 关乎未来生存艰难迎对挑战北美电信业部署IPTV角力有线电视 | North America Telcos Deploy IPTV to Fend Off Cable TV | |
7 | 鉴于最近关于公众节俭应付债券市场的秩序维护人员的必要性的政治言论,经济复苏可能不会持续下去。 | That, given all the recent political talk about the need for public austerity to fend off bond-market vigilantes, may not continue. | |
8 | 她的父亲通过一直的借钱才避免了这个灾难的发生,但是,这种恐惧却没有从Ella的身边离去。 | Her father always managed to borrow enough to fend off disaster, but Ella’s fear never went away. | |
9 | 她曾试图避开朝她飞来的矛,用一把小刀或是一只剑疯狂的猛砍。 | She has been trying to fend off an attacker who has come at her, slashing in a frenzied manner with a knife or possibly a sword. | |
10 | 经济大衰退中只有政府才能刺激需求,消除经济危机。 | In this deep recession only the government can prop up demand and fend off economic disaster. | |
11 | 经济型酒店作为盈利性建设项目,投资者必须分析和预测其承受风险的能力。 | As a profitable construction project, the investor must analysis and forecast if it has a competitive ability to fend off the risks. | |
12 | 据研究结果推测,年轻时多做运动,有助于防止年老体衰。 | The findings suggest that exercise early in life could help fend off frailness in the elderly. | |
13 | 蚂蚁出现了吞噬掉这些免费餐之后,反过来抵御那些危害植物的食草动物。 | Ants turn up to devour the free meal; they then, in turn, fend off herbivores who are threatening the plant. | |
14 | 目前,萨科奇政府忙于抵御丑闻攻击而陷入瘫痪。 | And now his government is paralysed by its attempts to fend off the scandals. | |
15 | 那么,我们如何在意外发生时抵御不良情绪而保持乐观呢? | How can we stay positive and fend off negativity when it comes our way? | |
16 | 纽约证交所、伦敦证交所和许多西方国家证交所因此建立自己的黑池,与其它交易平台展开竞争。 | NYSE, LSE and many western exchanges have since set up their own dark pools to fend off competition. | |
17 | 如果萨雷先生想挡开国内风生水起的反对大潮,他迫切需新的招数。 | Mr Saleh needs new ones quickly if he is to fend off the rising tide of opposition at home. | |
18 | 沙特阿拉伯可以应付大型石油公司的需求,因为该国拥有自己培养的足够专家。 | Saudi Arabia can fend off the oil majors’ demands because it has enough experts of its own. | |
19 | 盛大要想击退竞争对手,这些举措可能是最低的要求。 | Such moves may be the minimum required for Shanda to fend off its rivals. | |
20 | 事实上,他需要的是一个“威慑”,他声称,来抵御一个敌对的美国。 | Rather, he needs a "deterrent" , he says, to fend off a hostile America. | |
21 | 首先,默克尔面临压力,要抵挡自己阵营里的减税呼声,以维护其削减赤字的目标。 | First, she faces pressures to fend off tax-cut calls in her own camp to protect her deficit-cutting goals. | |
22 | 所以即使谷歌是一个庞大的机构,它仍然具有敏捷性和前瞻性的思维来抵御攻击。 | And even though Google is a huge organization, it still has the agility and forward-thinking to fend off attackers. | |
23 | 他说,除此之外,亚洲地区在抵御全球需求放慢所造成的影响方面,几乎无能为力。 | He says there is little else Asia can do as a region to fend off the effects of slowing global demand. | |
24 | 他也不能一直指望他曾经俄罗斯的老朋友(还有中国的支持)来避免联合国安理会对其的谴责。 | Nor should he bank for ever on his old friends in Russia (with China standing by) to fend off condemnation in the UN Security Council. | |
25 | 我们的友谊大厦建筑在真诚的基础之上,它经的起狂风暴雨,它挡的住洪水激流。 | Our friendship is building on sincerity; it can burden the wild wind and tempestuous rain , and can fend off the ferocity of flood. | |
26 | 吸引住人们,让他们足够热诚(足够厚脸皮),避免有人心怀不轨,也要小心网络流氓,这绝非易事。 | Attracting people dedicated (and thick-skinned) enough to fend off special interests and trolls (internet hooligans) is tough. | |
27 | 现在,消费者们都在节省开支,私人借款者缩减经费,只有政府能撑起消费,防止经济崩溃。 | With consumers cutting back and private borrowers retrenching, only the government can prop up demand and fend off economic meltdown. | |
28 | 现在许多年过去了,但是一个情景却一直萦绕脑海,我拿着一个乞丐的棍子努力的赶走一群狂叫的狗。 | Now many years have passed but the image of myself with a beggar’s pole trying to fend off a bunch of barking dogs still haunts me. | |
29 | 在俄中两国,对“混乱”的恐惧常常被用来打消对政治自由化的要求。 | In both countries, fear of "chaos" is frequently stirred up to fend off demands for political liberalisation. | |
30 | 增强风险意识,完善相关制度,严格债务管理,努力防范财政风险。 | We will work to be more aware of risks, improve related systems, tighten debt management and fend off financial risks. |